Ozone Therapy
Ozone is a chemical compound consisting of three Oxygen atoms O3 (triatomic oxygen), a highly energetic form of normal (diatomic) atmosphere oxygen O2. Thus, the molecules of these two forms are different in structure.
At room temperature, O3 is a colorless gas with a characteristic odor (e.g. after thunderstorms, at high altitudes or near the sea). Its name is from the Greek ozien meaning “to smell”, and it was discovered in 1840 by the German chemist Christian Friedrich Schonbein (1799-1868). Closer to ground level it can occur in the form of smog at concentrations of 1 part of O3 per 10 million parts air (=0.1ppm=200ug/m3); at a height of 2,000 meters (or 6,561.6 feet), however, it is much less, as a rule only 0.03-0.04 ppm.
Due to its being an extremely powerful oxidizing agent and highly effective disinfectant, it is used throughout the world to destroy germs in water treatment installations supplying drinking water.
Medical oxygen/ozone is always a mixture of the purest oxygen and purest ozone. According to its application, the ozone concentration can vary between 1 and 100 ug/ml (0.05-5% O3). The ozone therapist determines the complete dosage according to the medical/dental indication and the patient’s condition.
Medical ozone has highly pronounced bactericidal, fungicidal, and virostatic properties, and is thus widely used in disinfecting infected wounds, as well as bacterially and virally produced diseases. Its ability to stimulate the circulation is used in the treatment of circulatory disorders and makes it valuable in the revitalizing organic functions. When administered at low concentrations, the organisms own resistance is mobilized, i.e. ozone (re)activates the immune system.
As a response to this activation through ozone, the body’s immune cells produce special messengers called cytokines (including important mediators such as inteferones or interleukins). These inform other immune cells, setting off a cascade of positive change throughout the immune system, which is stimulated to resist diseases for example. This means that the application of medical ozone is extremely useful for immune activation in patients with a low immune status and/or immune deficit.
Small quantities of ozone applied in what is called “major autohemotherapy” (intravenous treatment of the patient’s blood) consequently activate the body’s own antioxidants and radical scavengers. It is possible to understand why ozone is used in diseases, which involve chronic inflammations.
Thanks to the selective properties, medical oxygen/ozone is used in:
1. The treatment of circulatory disorders, such as those found in the upper and lower jaws.
2.The treatment of diseases produced by viruses such as liver disease (hepatitis) and herpes.
3.The treatment of infected, badly healing wounds and inflammatory processes, such as chronic periodontal (gum disease) or chronic infected root canals.
4.Burns, scalds and fungus infections.
5.As an additive or complementary therapy for general immunoactivation.
1.Infusion of medical oxygen/ozone into infected jaw bone (cavitation).
2.Infusion of medical oxygen/ozone into the temporomandibular joint for the treatment of pain and inflammation.
3.During new root canal therapy to disinfect the involved tooth.
4.Infusion of a chronically infected root canal (previous treated tooth).
5.Adjunctive therapy with the use of Ozonated Olive Oil for periodontal disease.
For more information and studies on Ozone/Oxygen Therapy, visit www.o3center.org/Articles/TheStoryofOzone.html
Tooth by the Lake has been offering Ozone Therapy since 2005 in various treatment situations successfully. Please ask us if you are wondering how it could help you!